The Butterfly Inside You: The Tiny, Mightly, Thyroid Gland


A busy butterfly lives just below your Adam's apple that is responsible for the regulation of your inner state of balance, or homeostasis. Like a butterfly, the thyroid quietly goes about its business without getting much attention until your doctor checks it with her hands during a routine exam. Unless something unusual is found at that time (e.g., swelling) or symptoms manifest that indicate a problem, there won't be much further ado about your thyroid.

Let's take a moment to find out what the thyroid does, how to know if there's a problem, and how to keep your thyroid healthy.  The thyroid is part of the endocrine system, which includes the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thymus, pineal gland, testes, ovaries, adrenal glands, parathyroid, and pancreas. It makes hormones (e.g., T3, T4) that travel through your bloodstream and regulate your metabolism, brain and heart function, and reproductive and menstrual cycles.

When the thyroid is not functioning properly, a chain reaction of hormonal events takes place that involves many other glands/hormones of the endocrine system and the bodily systems they regulate. The end result is one of two primary types of health conditions: hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism

Hyperthyroidism results when the thyroid is overactive. Think of hyperthyroidism like a butterfly that can't stop fluttering its wings. Everything is on overdrive, including metabolism, frequency of bowels, emotions (anxiousness), increased sweating, and--for lady butterflies only--very light menstruation or cessation of the menstrual cycle. This butterfly often feels hot and can't maintain a healthy weight. There are also bouts of exhaustion from trying to maintain this intense state of arousal.

Hypothyroidism results when the thyroid is underactive. This butterfly just can't get its wings to go. It's gained weight, feels sluggish, and has brittle hair and nails. It feels cold and tired, is kind of depressed, and suffers from constipation. The lady butterflies usually have irregular, heavy menstruation.

5 Ways to Keep Your Thyroid Healthy

  1. Eat from the sea. The sea provides many natural sources of iodine, a building block of the thyroid hormone. Salt has a high concentration of iodine, but it can raise blood pressure. Instead, opt for saltwater fish, or try seaweed in a salad. Cod and halibut are high in selenium, which protects the thyroid gland during periods of stress and helps regulate hormone synthesis. Fish oil provides essential fatty acids that reduce inflammation, which plays a role in causing autoimmune diseases.
  2. Eat from the earth. Eat foods high in B vitamins, which are precursors to thyroid hormones and influence cell energy. Balance your diet with poultry, nuts and seeds, legumes, and whole grains. Red meat provides iron, zinc, magnesium, and other minerals essential for thyroid hormone function, and the health of other bodily systems affected by thyroid disorders (skin, hair, metabolism).
  3. Relax. A daily relaxation practice, such as just 10 minutes a day of silence and deep breathing, can make a difference in the state of mind and body.
  4. Move it! Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Yoga is particularly good for thyroid health, including poses such as butterfly, fish pose, shoulder stand, and child's pose.
  5. Get supplemental insurance. Our diets aren't perfect, so supplementing with a vitamin/mineral or botanical (herb) regimen can provide extra insurance against exposure to stress, toxins, and perhaps your own family history. Be sure to consult with Dr. Bossio about the best nutraceutical products for you.


Image Attribution: Blaj Gabriel/

Reflexology for Thyroid Health


Reflexology is a gentle, complementary and alternative medical (CAM) therapy in which pressure is placed along reflex points on the feet, lower leg, hands, face, or ears. A Reflex Map identifies various reflex points and corresponding regions or systems throughout the body. A certified reflexologist uses specific patterns of touch and pressure to stimulate these points.

The theory that underlies reflexology is that stimulation of the reflex points opens the flow of energy (referred to as Life Force or Chi) and nutrients throughout the body. It is believed that reflexology taps into the body's natural healing process by enhancing the functioning of the lymphatic system (a major part of the immune system), which helps move fluids and waste products from within the tissues into the circulatory system, ultimately for excretion from the body.

Generally, reflexology is suitable for everyone, from newborn babies to those receiving end of life care. A reflexologist tailors each session to the individual, taking into account both physical and emotional factors that might be affecting you. Reflexologists aim to work alongside both allopathic and holistic healthcare practitioners to promote well-being for their clients.

CAM researchers have investigated reflexology for a variety of health conditions, such as breast cancer, diabetes, anxiety, back pain, menstrual issues, post-operative recovery, chronic fatigue, and thyroid dysfunction. The premise for treating thyroid conditions with reflexology is that opening the energy flow through the thyroid gland can balance both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid conditions by supporting the gland in regulating homeostasis, the body's ideal state of equilibrium. In some studies of thyroid goiter or cancer, reflexology reduced pain and promoted relaxation, which can boost healing.

While there have been promising results in many case studies (of just one person or a small group), there is still a need for further research to definitively indicate the effectiveness of reflexology for treating illness.


Image Attribution: elenathewise/

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

lemon balm

Native to Europe, lemon balm's clusters of small, light yellow flowers grow all over the world. It is found in backyard herb gardens, in crops grown for medicine and cosmetics, and is used to scent candles and furniture polish. In the spring and summer, the flowers grow where the leaves meet the stem. If you rub your fingers on these leaves, your fingers will smell tart and sweet, like lemons. The leaves are similar in shape to mint leaves, and come from the same plant family.

As far back as the Middle Ages, lemon balm was used to soothe tension, to dress wounds, and to treat ailments such as toothaches, skin irritations, and sickness during pregnancy. As a medicinal plant, lemon balm is considered a calming herb that has traditionally been used to soothe menstrual cramps, reduce stress and anxiety, promote restful sleep, and ease gastrointestinal complaints (e.g., indigestion, gas, bloating, and colic). It is often combined with other herbs in teas or tinctures for relaxation, such as valerian and chamomile. In modern times it has been used to treat cold sores (oral herpes).

In Europe, lemon balm has been used for treating thyroid problems and has shown an ability to regulate thyroid hormone production. It has been used in the U.S. as a complementary treatment for Graves' disease, an autoimmune condition in which the thyroid gland is overactive.  Lemon balm may be formulated as a tea, tincture, or cream/ointment. Herbs do interact with other medicines and should not be taken without consulting Dr. Bossio for appropriate dosing.


General Herb Information

Image Attribution: homydesign/