Deb Bossio Naturopathic Doctor

As a natur­o­pathic physi­cian, Dr. Bossio pro­vides com­pre­hen­sive health care to all mem­bers of the fam­ily. In addi­tion to her gen­eral prac­tice, Dr. Bossio spe­cial­izes in women’s health, pedi­atrics, Lyme dis­ease, and diges­tive dis­or­ders. Patients can expect indi­vid­u­al­ized treat­ment plans that may include diet and nutri­tional ther­apy, herbal med­i­cine, and home­opa­thy. Dr. Bossio has an open, holis­tic approach to med­i­cine and is known for tak­ing the time to get to know her patients and their needs. She looks for­ward to assist­ing patients in their quest for opti­mal health and well-being.

Before estab­lish­ing her prac­tice in Ridge­field, CT, Dr. Bossio served patients at Haw­leyville Natur­o­pathic Med­ical Cen­ter in New­town, CT. There, she worked along­side Dr. Joshua Berry, a dis­tin­guished natur­o­pathic pedi­a­tri­cian and Lyme dis­ease spe­cial­ist.  She earned her Doc­tor­ate in Natur­o­pathic Med­i­cine from Bastyr Uni­ver­sity in Seat­tle, WA. She then com­pleted her res­i­dency in fam­ily med­i­cine at the National Col­lege of Natur­o­pathic Med­i­cine in Port­land, Ore­gon. Dr. Bossio received addi­tional med­ical train­ing at Seat­tle Children’s Hos­pi­tal, High­line Can­cer Cen­ter, Port­land Repro­duc­tive Endocrinol­ogy, West Hills Gas­troen­terol­ogy, and with renowned natur­opath Tori Hud­son, a national leader in women’s health.  Dr. Bossio received under­grad­u­ate degrees in Biol­ogy and Anthro­pol­ogy from Colby College.

Dr. Deb Bossio Nature

Dr. Bossio is an active mem­ber of sev­eral pro­fes­sional and com­mu­nity orga­ni­za­tions.  She serves on the Advi­sory Com­mit­tee of the Lyme Connection, is a mem­ber of the Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion of Natur­o­pathic Physi­cians, and the Women of Well­ness of CT.   She also fre­quently pro­vides lec­tures on nat­ural health top­ics through­out Fair­field County.