Dr. Deb Bossio, Naturally Well Family Medicine

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At Home Enemas

Enemas have been used for centuries to cleanse the colon. Simply an injection of liquid via the anus, enemas may help relieve constipation, gas and bloating, cleanse the colon and reduce the body's toxic load. While the idea of giving yourself an at-home enema may seem like a daunting and uncomfortable task, it's actually a very simple process that often feels more awkward than uncomfortable. Enema solutions can help with a variety of symptoms, using one of a variety of recipes.

  • Aloe vera enemas: soothe and heal hemorrhoids and IBS.
  • Burdock root enemas: help remove calcium deposits, improving function of kidneys and bladder.
  • Catnip enemas: ease pain and cramping.
  • Slippery elm enemas: help correct both constipation and diarrhea, as well as help heal hemorrhoids and inflammatory conditions of the bowel.
  • Coffee enemas are highly regarded for their use in detoxifying the liver, intestinal walls and colon, and encouraging the release of toxic bile from the system.
  • Epsom salt enemas: increase the amount of water in the intestine and colon, stimulating a more thorough cleansing of the intestinal tract.
  • Lemon juice enemas: help rid the colon of excess feces and balance pH levels in the colon.
  • Salt water enemas: most comfortable and easiest for first time users.

Getting Started:

No matter which solution you choose, you'll need to do a few things to get started.
1. Your enema toolbox should include an enema bag with a clamp on the end of the tube to help control the flow and to prevent fluid from leaking out. You'll also want to make sure that the rectal tube is smooth, so as to avoid damage to the rectal lining.

2. You should be near a toilet and near a place to hang the enema bag, such as as a door handle or towel bar positioned between 1.5 and 3 feet above the floor.

3. Lay a few old towels and a pillow on the floor for comfort and cleanliness.

4. Heat your enema solution to between 98 and 104 F (37 to 40 C).

5. Ensure the tubing on your enema bag is secure, close the clamp and fill the bag with the warmed solution.

6. With your enema tools in place, lie down on your left side, with left leg straight and bend your right knee toward your chest, resting it on the floor. This will allow for the best reach and easiest enema application.

7. Before beginning, make sure there is no air in the tubing, then test the flow of the solution for a steady stream.

8. Lubricate the nozzle and your anus using a natural oil, then insert the nozzle a few inches into your anus, unclamp the tube and relax. If the solution doesn't start to flow, you may have inserted the nozzle a bit too far.

9. When you have finished emptying the enema or have taken in as much solution that you can comfortably hold, remove the nozzle and continue to lie on the floor, slightly clenching your anus to keep solution from leaking and try to hold the enema for 10 to 15 minutes.

10. Massage your abdomen in a counter-clockwise direction to assist the water to flow into the entire colon. When you're ready to evacuate, get up and move to the toilet. You'll want to stay close to a toilet for the next 30 to 60 minutes, as evacuating happens in stages.

11. After your enema, clean and sanitize your enema equipment thoroughly by boiling. Hang the bag and tubes to dry and never store enema equipment while it's still wet as it could grow mold. It is also important to reserve your enema equipment for your personal use only and never share it with anyone else.

As easy as at-home enemas are, it is not something that should be done when you have a list of things to accomplish during the same day. You'll want to rest after your enema, drink plenty of hydrating fluids and maintain a diet of light meals that include nourishing, cooked foods, such as steamed vegetables, for the rest of the day. For general maintenance and colon health it is recommended that you give yourself an enema once a month. And although enemas are generally safe and complications are very rare in healthy adults, it is still recommended that you discuss appropriate enema solutions, precautions and even procedures with Dr. Bossio before trying this at home.


Photo credit. Free Digital Photos.

Lindlahr, Henry, and Victor Hugo Lindlahr. 1931. The practice of nature cure. New York city: The Nature cure library, Inc.

"Colonic Enemas - A Naturopathic Treatment". 1998. TOWNSEND LETTER FOR DOCTORS AND PATIENTS. (180): 100.

7 Natural Enema Solutions You Can Use at Home. Flowing Free.

Herbal Enemas for a Happy and Healthy Colon. Flowing Free.

Everything you ever wanted to know about giving yourself an enema and were afraid to ask. Flowing Free.

Image Attribution: Praisaeng/shutterstock.com